Nowotny-Collection Ruesch MarryingArt.No. 66/37030-060 + 66/37040-060Unser Preis!1439.00EUR Only 1266.32EURPair of rings incl. Tax(19%)You economize 12% Polished Mint Wedding rings in 333 white gold and embossed matte yellow gold. 3 diamonds together 0.09 ct. W / SI. Width of 6.00 mm. On location in Vienna wedding rings and wedding rings are made in high quality alloys. The rings can be ordered with or without stones in each ring size.
* Free shipping to Germany. Shipping abroad additional shipping costs
Farbe TrauringeWhite-Yellow
Legierung Trauringe333 Gold
Ringbreite Trauringe5mm - 6,5mm